Sure bourbon and beer tasting at the ModernThirst compound is fun, but we’ve decided that we really need to get out and be a part of it. That’s right, ModernThirst is headed to New York City tonight! In an effort to add some Whiskey and Beer travel information to our already extensive news and reviews, I’m hopping on a plane. And you can follow along and ‘see what happens’. Our Twitter feed will be the best place to look over the next several days for photos, musings and maybe some exclusive Periscope videos. Some of the places I hope to visit include:
- Widow Jane distillery (and I have a few NDP questions for them)
- Three’s Brewing
- Other Half Brewing
- Rockaway Brewing Company
- Big Alice Brewing
- Astoria Beer Garden (Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden)
- The Standard Bier Garden
- Highline Terroir Wine Bar
- Other surprises
Please tweet us suggestions and questions and use the hashtag #MTBigApple