It’s election night and like most Americans, we’re kicking back to celebrate the blessed end of campaign commercials. Here’s what your staff is throwing down:
Starting out with a Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumkin Ale. It’s, not surprisingly, chalk full of heavy pumkin and spice flavors. Regardless, it’s head and shoulders better than the standard Sam Adams Pumkin Ale. I like it, though at 8.5% ABV, it’s probably best to split this bomber.
This has a nice fresh hop aroma and taste, but finishes with a earthy, dank bitter hop flavor. All of these things can be good but it’s not perfect. But good for a nationally distributed moderately priced beer.
I’m following up the pumpkin beer with a standby sipper. Four Roses Single Barrel is one of those ideal $30 bourbons you can usually find on any decent liquor store shelf and never fails to impress. It’s rich, spicy, sweet, and has that trademark Four Roses potpourri finish.