Well this is certainly intriguing, especially for someone running an alcohol review business; The promise of sampling different beers all night and then being able to coherently write about them sounds too good to be true! I’m not sure if this is an old wives tail, or there is something to it. Considering the source, I think it is worth a try. If you try it, please report your findings back to us! The entire article can be found on Esquire
Jim Koch knows beer. He also knows a beer trick that may change your life
“You wanna know my secret? How I can drink beer all night long and never get drunk?”
In fact, I had always wondered that. Though this was the first time I’d ever formally met Koch, I’d “met” him in the past at a few beer festivals. Those sorts of events are always kind of Bacchanalian shit shows, with people imbibing dozens of beer samples in a short period and soon stumbling around large convention halls drunk of their asses. Brewers included. But not Koch, who I’d long noticed was always lucid, always able to hold court, and hold his own with those much younger than him. This billionaire brewing raconteur was doing likewise with me at 4 PM on a Thursday afternoon despite the fact we were both now several beers deep. So what was the secret?
“Active yeast. Like you get at the grocery store.”
Photo Courtesy Boston Beer Company
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