We’ve always been about bourbon and beer. Sure, bourbon tends to get the lion’s share of the coverage since I do the bulk of the writing. But we have a resident Beermeister on staff, so why not use him and his never-ending thirst for the best craft beer America has to offer?
Matt has been tasting and rating beers on Untapp’d for well over a year. In that time, he’s rated nearly a thousand different brews. His Herculean liver now serves ModernThirst.com! We have those ratings, and they’re here for you to peruse! You can follow Matt on Untappd through his user name “Gater,” and you can contact him with questions or requests for beer reviews at [email protected].
You can check out Matt’s ratings here, or by scrolling down. You can see his full list, or see it broken out by 10 common beer types.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – All of Them!
ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, has rated over 1,000 different beers over the past couple of years. check them out here!

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings- IPAs
Hop it up! ModernThirst Beermeister Matt Gates’ beer ratings of over 300 different IPAs.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – German Style Beers
Pull on your lederhosen! ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, offers his ratings of 0ver 70 different German style beers, including bocks, hefeweizens, witbiers, Kolsch, and more.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Sours/Lambics/Saisons
Pucker up! ModernThirst presents Resident Beermeister Matt Gates’ ratings of nearly 100 different saison, lambic, sour, and wild craft beers.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Specialty and Seasonal beers
‘Tis the Season! ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, offers his ratings of over 50 different specialty and seasonal brews.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Porters & Stouts
Like it dark? ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, offers his ratings of nearly 100 different porters and stouts.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Other Pale Ales
Forget the dark stuff! ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, offers his ratings of over 100 different pale ales.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Fruit Beers, Ciders, Mead
Feeling fruity? ModernThirst Resident Beermeister, Matt, offers his ratings of over 50 different fruit-based beers, ciders, and mead.

Matt’s Craft Beer Ratings – Other Ales
ModernThirst resident Beermeister, Matt, offers ratings of over 100 different ales that don’t fit neatly into our pre-defined categories. Can’t put a label on these! Well, I guess we just did. Browse Matt’s ratings of “other ales!”

Matt’s Craft Beer Reviews – Belgian Styles
Don’t get “trapped” by bad beer! Get it? “Trapped?” Trappist monks? Never mind. Browse Matt’s ratings for Belgian and Belgian-style beers!